Breastfeeding Care in Austin
Committed to helping you achieve your breastfeeding goals!
(512) 730-1540

Helpful links
La Leche League - Breastfeeding support groups in Austin and surrounding areas.
Partners in Parenting - Eases the transition to parenthood by creating community-based parent groups that strengthen and empower families.
Central Texas Doula Association - Birth and postpartum doulas in and around Austin.
KellyMom.com - Great website full of evidence based articles and advice about breastfeeding and parenting.
Ask Dr Sears - A website that has a wealth of information about pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding and parenting.
International Breastfeeding Center - Dr. Jack Newman’s website, a renowned pediatrician and breastfeeding expert based in Toronto.
Low milk supply - A website with a wealth of information about low milk supply.
Infant Risk Center - Up-to-date information on the use of medication during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Pregnancy & Postpartum Health Alliance of Texas – Non-profit organization giving pregnancy and postpartum Depression support.
Postpartum Support International – Postpartum depression or anxiety support.
Infant Sleep Information Source - Research recommendations for safe infant sleep.
Educational breastfeeding videos
Stanford University School of Medicine has various videos about breastfeeding that are very helpful, watch especially the videos on hand expression and maximizing milk supply
Breast Feeding Inc also has several videos here as well and we especially recommend the videos for drinking and nibbling at the breast
Latch On - the basics of latching
Manual breast expression and engorgement care
Asymmetrical latch/ wide pain free latching
Baby led/ laid back/ biologic nursing position